house magic

Your Grab & Go Guide to Astrology House Insights.

Swipe all the beginner astrology cheat sheets you need to start connecting the dots in your birth chart. House Magic helps you take the first step towards a deeper understanding of yourself through your astrological houses.

References you need for personal growth and discovery thru the magic of personal houses!

What is included in House Magic?

  • House Theme Keywords: Easily access the key themes and life areas governed by each of the 12 astrological houses with concise keywords.
  • Annual Profection Chart: Discover and track the astrological focus for each year in your life using this valuable and ancient timing tool.
  • Sign Theme Keywords: Quickly understand the core characteristics and energies of each zodiac sign with handy keywords.
  • Planetary Rulers Guide: Gain deeper insights into your chart with a detailed guide to the planetary rulers of each sign.
  • Quick Reference Tools: Use these insights to navigate your life with greater self-awareness and confidence.

Time for Some House Magic!

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